Happy Holidays

Tomorrow will make it 3 weeks I have been Stateside, which seems insane. It took no time at all for us to fall into a comfortable routine together. A major concern that was voiced by many was the fact we had never lived together before and now I was risking everything to just up and move to a new place. I’m happy to say that, although we do annoy each other on little things (he is terrible at washing dishes and is so weird about folding clothes a particular way) these things will never be the factors in a divorce case.

Now, with me not being able to work thanks to my visa as well as not being able to get a drivers licence, my days are pretty quiet. However with getting married in 3 and half weeks, there are enough things for me to be sorting out. Especially before both our families arrive and all hell breaks loose.

My event planning degree has helped in the fact I’m not greatly panicking about our wedding, in fact some points have even been fun. Last night we sat in bed and compiled our wedding spotify playlist. While some take this very seriously, ours ended up a 10 hour playlist including lots of 90’s RnB and the pokemon theme song. It’s safe to say that it may need to be edited before the big day. I’ll put it on one of the many to do lists.

So with Christmas upon us, consisting of a weekend of brownie making, new family visiting and cozy blanket days, it’s starting to sink in how far we are from friends and family. Now although this obviously makes me sad, it’s also nice to know that when we see each other in a  few weeks it’ll be even more special.


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